Explore PETA’s Animal-Friendly Minecraft Island
Do you love Minecraft and animals? If so, you’ll love PETA’s brand-new animal paradise in the popular game Minecraft!
Luckily for animals and their human friends (like you!), PETA’s version of Minecraft makes sure that no animals, not even digital ones, can be hurt. Visitors to PETA’s island can explore a land where the animals of Minecraft live freely. People can also walk through huge vegetable and flower gardens, take a tour of PETA’s headquarters, and discover an abandoned slaughterhouse—creepy!
PETA’s Minecraft utopia is now live to the public! Ready to check it out? Use the information below to log in to the server.
How to Join PETA’s Minecraft Utopia
- To join, you need to be using a Minecraft version between 1.7.2 and 1.7.10. If you have version 1.8 of Minecraft, select “Edit Profile” in the Minecraft launcher. In the “Version Selection” dropdown, choose “release 1.7.10.” Then hit “Save Profile.”
- Download the PETAcraft resource pack. To experience the event properly, you should use the MCPatcher program (available here) to view the full visual features of the PETAcraft resource pack (available here).
- Log in to the PETA server. The server address, which you enter after selecting “Multiplayer” and then “Add Sever,” is peta.hyperscalemc.com.
- Explore the PETA island!
Can’t wait? Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find on PETA’s Minecraft island:

A re-creation of PETA’s headquarters

The abandoned slaughterhouse

Inside the abandoned slaughterhouse

The abandoned circus

PETA’s Minecraft island has lots of farm land for growing fruits and vegetables.
Under 13? Ask your parents bee-fore you continue!